Tutorial / User Manual for the FTC SDK


Are you just getting started with programming your robot?  Do you need a manual to guide you step by step to set up Android Studio, get the FTC SDK libraries, and get you spinning some motors?

You'll find this information and more by going to the following URL:  https://github.com/ftctechnh/ftc_app/releases

Here you will find information for each release of the FTC SDK.  The FTC SDK is the "Software Development Kit" or libraries written for the FTC program.  Basically, all of the low-level code for interfacing with motors and sensors has been written for you and are included in the FTC SDK.

The user manual for the current release is in https://www.github.com/ftctechnh/ftc_app/files/517695/FTC_SDK_UserMan_v2...  This contains the step by step directions you need to get you going.

If you are looking to improve your Java skills, then there are plnty of tutorials available on the Internet.  One set of tutorials recommended to me by an FTC coach can be found at Codecademy: https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-java

Are you looking for detailed information about each method (subroutine) available to you in the FTC SDK?  Just point your web browser to the ftc_app-master/doc/javadoc/index.html file of the FTC SDK files you downloaded from github.com.

You may see ftc_app-master/doc/javadoc/index.html listed as a project file in Android Studio.  However, if you try to open it there, it will show you the HTML file itself and not display the documentation that you really want.  However, if you can't find the path to the index.html file on your hard drive, here's a simple trick to find it:  Simplyly select the ftc_app-master/doc/javadoc/index.html file in Android Studio, right click to pull up the menu and left click on "Copy Path".  You can then paste the URL for the documentation into your favorite browser.

When displaying the method documentation in your browser, you will find the methods for motors and sensors in com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.