“RECYCLE RUSHSM” Revealed at SBPLI’s 2015 FIRST® Robotics Competition Long Island Regional Game Kickoff

Students learn the rules of the new game, “RECYCLE RUSHSM” at the FIRST Robotics season kickoff, held at Stony Brook University’s Jacob Javits Lecture Center on January 3.
More than 800 teenagers from Long Island and metropolitan New York-area schools converged at the Jacob Javits Lecture Center at Stony Brook University on January 3 for School-Business Partnerships of Long Island, Inc.’s (SBPLI) kickoff of the Long Island Regional FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition (FRC®) where they learned details of the 2015 robotics game called “RECYCLE RUSHSM.”
“FIRST is more than robots. The robots are a vehicle for students to learn important life skills,” said Dean Kamen, president of DEKA Research & Development and FIRSTFounder. “Kids often come in not knowing what to expect — of the program nor of themselves. They leave, even after the first season, with a vision, with confidence, and with a sense that they can create their own future.”
RECYCLE RUSHSM is a recycling-themed game played by two Alliances of three robots each. Robots score points by stacking totes on scoring platforms, capping those stacks with recycling containers, and properly disposing of pool noodles, representing litter. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all game pieces used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST at the end of the season.
In addition, SBPLI held a special session for the students’ parents in which they learned about the organization, its mission and the impact of the robotics programs on the students’ lives, both academically and professionally. SBPLI representatives, team mentors, volunteers and former Long Island Regional FRC participants shared experiences and highlighted the value and importance of the robotics programs. An interactive session followed in which the parents provided suggestions for important fundraising activities and ways to reach other parents in the program.
After learning the rules and being shown the playing field, teams received a Kit of Parts made up of motors, batteries, a control system, a PC, and a mix of automation components — and only limited instructions. Working with adult mentors, students have six weeks to design, build, program, and test their robots to meet the season’s engineering challenge. Once these young inventors build a robot, their teams will participate in the SBPLI Long Island Regional FIRST Robotics Competition, which will take place on March 26-28 at Hofstra University’s David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex. To see photos of some of the teams with their kits of parts click here.
SBPLI Board Member Michael Canders, explains the importance of supporting the Long Island Regional FIRST® Robotics Competition during the FRC kickoff.
The FRC kickoff was hosted by Stony Brook University’s College Of Engineering and Applied Sciences and sponsored by SBPLI, which has also sponsored the Long Island Regional FRC for the past sixteen years.
“This proves to be an exciting time for the students and the mentors when they learn the name and the rules of the game for this year’s FIRST Robotics Competition,” said FRC Director Deb Winter. “We were very proud to present the FRC kickoff as we prepare for the upcoming Long Island Regional FRC in March.”
During the 2015 season, 50 teams from Long Island, New York City, and the surrounding areas; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Israel; and the Republic of Brazil will convene at Hofstra University for the Long Island Regional FRC on March 26-28, culminating with the 2015 FIRST Championship on April 22-25 at the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, Missouri.
“The next six weeks will be crucial for these students as they design and construct their robots for this competition,” said Ms. Winter. “The Long Island Regional FIRST Robotics Competition showcases the talents of these students who learn not only the basic technological aspects of building their robots, but also about other concepts such as teamwork, problem solving and gracious professionalism.”