Volunteer for an Event
See the full list of this season's events.
Log onto VIMS - https://firstinspires.org
New volunteers should click on “Sign Up”, returning volunteers click on “Log In”
If the website asks you to update your profile, please do so and then click “Save”
Click on the dropdown arrow next to your name in the upper right corner and complete each section including Consent & Release, YPP Screening and click all 3 Acknowledgements at the bottom of the Profile section
Click “My Dashboard” then click “Volunteer Registration” then “Volunteer at An Event”
Select the program you are interested in – for example “FLL”
Under the words “Event Name, City or Venue” type in “SBPLI”
Click “Apply Filters” and all event will appear
You will need to apply for one event at a time – click on VOLUNTEER” at the bottom of the event you are interested in
Complete all Steps of the Volunteer Application
Select roles – please include Assign Me As Needed in addition to your desired roles
Enter any team affiliation that you have
Be sure to complete the Youth Protection Screening
If you want to volunteer for additional events please click on Event Volunteering again and complete all the steps again
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sheila Silberglied at fllvolunteers@firstlongisland.org or call (516) 232- 3983